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Kurzanleitung Strutured Text

Hier eine Kurtanleitung für structured text, aus dem Web gefischt

Basic text formatting

  • Italicized text

    Enter this :


    to get this:


  • Underlined text

    Enter this :


    to get this:


  • Boldfaced text

    Enter this :


    to get this:


Headers and paragraphs

  • Text headers

    Enter this:

             My header
                If you enter a single line paragraph (e.g. like the one
             above and then indent the first line of the next paragraph, 
             the text in the one-line paragraph will be transformed into
             a header.
                Note that the second paragraph in the section also has 
             its first line indented.
                Be sure to leave a blank line between paragraphs.  This
             paragraph's first line is indented, too.
                Subheading 1
                   Use additional indentation to generate subheaders.
                Notice that the subheading's level of indenting is the
                same as the level for the previous paragraph, but that
                *this* paragraph is further indented.  It's the extra
                indenting of *this* paragraph that creates the subheading.
                   Subheading 2
                      Get smaller subheadings by indenting even more.
                      Subheading 3
                         Get even smaller subheadings by indenting even more.

    To get this:

    My header

    If you enter a single line paragraph (e.g. like the one above and then indent the first line of the next paragraph, the text in the one-line paragraph will be transformed into a header.

    Note that the second paragraph in the section also has its first line indented.

    Be sure to leave a blank line between paragraphs. This paragraph's first line is indented, too.

    Subheading 1

    Use additional indentation to generate subheaders. Notice that the subheading's level of indenting is the same as the level for the previous paragraph, but that this paragraph is further indented. It's the extra indenting of this paragraph that creates the subheading.

    Subheading 2

    Get smaller subheadings by indenting even more.

    Subheading 3

    Get even smaller subheadings by indenting even more.

Preformatted Text

  • Block of preformatted text

Enter this:

      The next block of text will be formatted exactly the way I have typed it::

         This is all preformatted.

            Your formatting will be used until...
               ... you stop indenting text.
            None of the *structured text* **commands** _work_ here.

         This is still indented.

      This is no longer preformatted.

To get this:

The next block of text will be formatted exactly the way I have typed it:

      This is all preformatted.

         Your formatting will be used until...
            ... you stop indenting text.
         None of the *structured text* **commands** _work_ here.

      This is still indented.

This is no longer preformatted.

  • Inlined preformatted text

Enter this:

      Some ordinary text here.  Some 'preformatted text here'.  More ordinary text.

to get this:

Some ordinary text here. Some preformatted text here. More ordinary text.


  • Bulleted lists

    Enter this:

             * First item
             * Second item.  Note that there is a blank line between
             each list item.
                * Make lists within lists by using extra indentation
                * Second indented item.
             * Third item in the main list.

    to get this:

    • First item
    • Second item. Note that there is a blank line between each list item.
      • Make lists within lists by using extra indentation
      • Second indented item.
    • Third item in the main list.
  • Numbered lists

    Enter this:

             1 First item
             2 Second item.  Again, note that there is a blank line 
             between each list item.
             3 Third item in the main list.

    to get this:

  1. First item
  2. Second item. Again, note that there is a blank line between each list item.
  3. Third item in the main list.

Note that numbered lists cannot be embedded in bulleted lists.

  • Definition lists

    Enter this:

             First item -- More information about the first item.
             Second item -- More information about the second item.
             Third item -- More information about the third item.

    to get this:

    First item
    More information about the first item.
    Second item
    More information about the second item.
    Third item
    More information about the third item.


  • Links

    Enter this:

             "A link to CNN":http://www.cnn.com

    to get this:

    A link to CNN

  • Email addresses

    Enter this:


    to get this:


  • References

    Enter this:

             I am going to refer to a footnote here [1].
             Later in the text I will have a footnotes
             [1] My footnote.

    to get this:

    I am going to refer to a footnote here [1].

    Later in the text I will have a footnotes section.

    [1] My footnote.


  • Images

    Enter this:

             "Text shown when the browser does not load the image":img:logo.jpg

    to get this:

    Text shown when the browser does not load the image

    You can use an arbitrary URL for the image, e.g.:

             "Plone logo":img:http://www.plone.org/logo.jpg

    Plone logo


  • Tables

Enter this:

      | Fruit     | Nut        | Mammal    |
      | Apple     | Peanut     | Squirrel  |
      | Orange    | Macadamia  | Woodchuck |
      | Banana    | Walnut     | Dolphin   |
      | This spans 2 columns!  | Cat       |
      | Pear      | This spans 2 columns!  |
      | This spans 3 columns!              |

to get this:













This spans 2 columns!



This spans 2 columns!

This spans 3 columns!